Thursday, 10 November 2016

Breif Outline of my Plot

The beginning of my narrative will start of as a montage of events of a normal day and a car crash at the end. The main protagonist instantly wakes up and assumes he just had a nightmare. As the character gets up a heads downstairs the beginning credits will appear. The main character then gets himself some breakfast and as he runs the tap to get a drink, he has a small flashback of his 'dream'. As he thinks nothing of it he continues to get himself a drink and puts the glass on the table. He then accidentally knocks the glass over causing the drink to spill on the floor and as the drink is in free fall time slows down and he has another flashback of the 'dream'. Again he doesn't really realise what is going on so he continues his normal day of life and heads back to his room. On his way to his room he trips over a book and once again he has another flashback of him tripping and falling down the stairs but as he goes back to reality he prevents himself from falling down the stairs as he knew what was going to happen. The protagonist picks up the book and the front cover has the woulds deja vu on it, he then starts to realise that his dream is coming to true. He then grabs his laptop and starts researching about his condition. As he researches he finds out that he can try and simulate his dream to remember the rest of his dream before it happens and save whoever gets hit by a car. As he starts to remember parts of his dream he finds out that the event is close to his house as he recognises street sign in his vision. He the runs out of his house and looks at his watch to see how much time he has left to save the person from being hit by a car. He gets to the same street sign in his vision and has a small flashback to prove it was the same street sign. As he has nothing else to go on so he looks around frantically to see if he can see the car but as he looks around someone bumps into him with headphones on and walks past him. As the main character then realises that this person was the guy that gets hit. He then runs to try and catch him up but before he catches up, he sees the car that hits him turn into the road he is on. As the main protagonist attempts to call for the character with the headphones he obviously doesn't hear him or the car. The character with headphones starts to cross the road without looking and the car continues to build up speed. This is then the moment where the character decides to be the hero and save him risking his own life or the villain by letting it happen, but before he makes a decision it cuts to black and all you hear is a car breaking and someone being hit leaving the audience to decide what happened and who died.

1 comment:

  1. Now you have a much clearer idea re your narrative structure. Revisit your storyboard and refine it.
