Thursday, 19 January 2017

Filming #1

This weekend will be the first set of scenes that I will be filming so I will need to think about the following things and possible problems I may encounter.

  • Continuity issues
  • Clutter in background
  • Lighting
  • Background noise such as wind
As most of my scenes will be indoors sound and lighting shouldn't be too much of an issue.

Film Poster developments

To develop my poster designs I did a single poster for each event that the main protagonist has a flashback from. For the last design I included all of the designs which describes the main events in the narrative. Overall I think the designs went well the only thing I would change is the colour scheme which I could possibly get some feedback for.

Monday, 16 January 2017

Lighting Research

As my production will mostly be set indoors i will be able to play around with the lighting and mise en scenes more easily.

The three point lighting technique is a standard method used when creating productions and for photography. It is a simple technique which forms the basics of most lighting systems in filming.

Key light
This light is one of the most important lights, its function is to highlight the main subject

Fill Light
The fill lights purpose is to lesson the contrast and shadows around the subject, by being angled differently to the main key light. It usually is softer than the key light.

Black Light
This light is placed being the subject to illuminate it creating a silhouette or to create separation or the subject and background.

High Key 
This is often used in comedies as it brightens and enhances the sense of liveliness or dramatic scenes

Low Key
This creates a more shadowy effect and usually darkens the scene. They are usually found in thriller or horrors.

Risk assessment

Persons who may be hurt
Property which may be damaged
Risk controls already in  place
Further action required to control risk
Someone being run over by a car (Road safety)
Actors, driver
Wear a seat belt and be sensible on the road
Make sure the actor and the car a safe distance apart
Glass cup breaking
Actors camera man
Glass cup
 take caution or use a plastic cup
If the glass breaks clear it away carefully
Falling down the stairs
Hold onto the banister
Hold onto the banister and be careful when using the stairs and the falling over scene
Tripping over while running
 Be aware of your surroundings
Be aware of your surroundings

Naming My Short Film

I already had an idea of what the production would be called as the whole narrative is based around events that the protagonist has already experienced in a dream so i wanted the film to be something along the lines of Deja Vu. I used an online thesaurus to come up with more words around the word premonition.

Out of the words i have came up with i feel that 'The Premonition' works the best and suits the style of my film which is a slightly unconventional film.